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$ 395


Helps you feel fuller, for longer.


A weekly injection to aid with weight loss.


Prevents large sugar spikes.


Indicated for Type-II Diabetes, but commonly prescribed for weight loss off-label.

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What is Mounjaro®? +

Mounjaro® is the brand-name of the generic medication Tirzepatide. Mounjaro® is Health Canada-approved for managing specific symptoms and risks associated with Type 2 Diabetes. Administered through a pre-filled single-dose pen, Mounjaro® functions similarly to a naturally occurring hormone in the body that regulates blood sugar.

How does Mounjaro® work? +

Mounjaro®, akin to other GLP-1 medications like Ozempic, operates as a glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist. However, it stands out as a dual-action GLP-1 and GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) medication. By mimicking the actions of both hormones, Mounjaro® regulates metabolism, inducing a sense of fullness and controlling hunger. Alongside a proper diet and exercise regimen, Mounjaro® proves very effective in supporting weight loss.

Do you prescribe Mounjaro® for weight loss? +

While Mounjaro® is not Health Canada-approved for weight loss, licensed Canadian Rocky-affiliated healthcare professionals have the discretion to prescribe it off-label if they believe it is a suitable treatment for a specific patient.

Mounjaro® may cause tumors in the thyroid, including thyroid cancer. Watch for symptoms, such as a lump or swelling in the neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. If you have any of these symptoms, tell your healthcare provider.

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about serious warnings and safety info.

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In clinical trials, participants on average lost 15-20% of their body weight with Mounjaro®

After six months, the average weight loss on Mounjaro® was 10%, compared with 6% on Ozempic®. At 12 months, people had dropped an average 15% of their body weight on Mounjaro®, compared with about 8% on Ozempic®.

Is Mounjaro® right for you?

While safe and effective for most people, Mounjaro® should be avoided with certain health conditions. Take our quiz and see if you qualify. Take Quiz

"More about Mounjaro®?"

Dr. George Mankaryousu

Rocky Medical Expert

Learn more about potential side effects

Mounjaro® may cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach upset. These side effects are usually transient and may resolve once your body gets used to it.




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Answer health questions and complete your online visit +

Share your health history and weight loss goals with us online to get started.
One of our healthcare providers will review your answers and get back to you shortly.

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In 3 days

Take a lab test +

If you're a good weight-loss candidate, our clinician will provide you the appropriate lab requisition. These results will help us determine the best treatment for you.
We can help guide you to your nearest lab.

Within 1 week

Provider writes an Rx +

After reviewing your results, your provider will determine which medication is best for you. We'll tailor a program with the treatment best suited to your unique biology.

Get Your Medication (Starting at $240)

Within 2-3 days

Receive medication +

If you're prescribed Ozempic (subjected to availability) you will receive your package within 2-3 business days.

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Ongoing care and support +

You'll receive access to your licensed clinicians via video consultation or directly from your messaging portal, along with medication management, and ongoing refill support from our pharmacy team.

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Got questions?

We have answers.

Are there foods to avoid while taking Mounjaro® (tirzepatide)?


While there are no specific foods to avoid while taking Mounjaro®, individuals may experience gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea until a steady dose is achieved. Some people choose to avoid certain foods that may worsen gastrointestinal side effects.

What are the side effects of Mounjaro® (tirzepatide)?


Common side effects of Mounjaro® include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, stomach pains, upset stomach, indigestion, injection-site reactions, fatigue, belching, gas, hair loss, and heartburn. Severe but rare side effects may include thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, gallbladder disease, low blood sugar, kidney disease, severe allergy, vision problems, rapid heartbeat, and suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Refer to the full Prescribing Information for complete safety details.

How do you store Mounjaro® (tirzepatide)?


Mounjaro® should be stored in the refrigerator (2°C to 8°C) in its original packaging to protect it from light. Avoid freezing the pens. When travelling, Mounjaro® can be kept unrefrigerated for up to 21 days, with temperatures not exceeding 30°C. If stored at room temperature for an extended period of time, it should not be returned to the refrigerator.

How long does it take for Mounjaro® (tirzepatide) to start working?


Mounjaro® begins working after the first dose, but noticeable changes in weight or blood sugar levels may take several weeks to months with consistent use.

Can you switch GLP-1 medication?


Yes, switching GLP-1 drugs is possible, but it's crucial to discuss with your provider due to differences in dose and dosing schedules. Individuals may experience varying side effects, and it takes several weeks for the full effect of a new medication to take hold.

Is weight loss about willpower, or is diet and exercise enough?


Contrary to the belief that weight loss depends on willpower, obesity is considered a disease, not a decision. At Rocky, we recognize that being overweight involves the biology of the body, hence why we offer science-backed steps to support weight loss.

What are some common mistakes people make when they try to lose weight?


Common mistakes include attempting too many significant changes simultaneously, adopting unsustainable extreme diets, and following generic plans that do not consider individual your specific biology.

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