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Safer sex is an essential aspect of sexual health. It involves taking precautions to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). While sex is common and an enjoyable part of life, there are simple yet effective measures to consider that reduce the risk of STIs. The following are some of the essential safer sex tips we recommend. 

5 Safer Sex Tips to Implement Today

Use Condoms That Fit Appropriately 

Condoms are an effective and readily available method of protecting against STI’s. They work by creating a barrier that prevents bodily fluids, including semen, blood, and other sexual fluids, from being exchanged during sex. Always use a new condom for each sexual encounter, and never use expired or damaged condoms. And make sure to find condoms that fit you well to avoid having them break or fall off during sex.

Get Regular STI Checks

This is important even if you feel healthy and show no signs of infection. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, may not show any visible symptoms but can lead to complications if left untreated. Getting tested regularly can help detect and treat STIs early on.

Take Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to Reduce the Risk of HIV Transmission

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a highly effective medication typically taken daily to reduce the risk of HIV transmission. PrEP is primarily recommended for individuals who are at higher risk of acquiring HIV, including the following:

  • You don’t always use condoms (external or internal) when you have anal or vaginal sex and aren’t always certain of your partner’s HIV status
  • You’ve been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in the last six months
  • You’re in a relationship with a partner living with HIV, but they are not undetectable
  • You are a person who injects drugs, or you’re in a sexual relationship with a person who injects drugs

If you would like further information or want to get started with PrEP, look no further than The PrEP Clinic. They provide an outstanding and discreet service with patient safety at the forefront. They are available both online and in person

Communicate Your Sexual History with Your Partner

Open and honest communication with your partner is essential for practicing safe sex. Discussing your sexual history, i.e. active or long term infections, before engaging in sexual activity is crucial to establish boundaries and practice mutual respect.

Clean Sex Toys and Use Lubricant

  • Wash toys before and after use to  support STI prevention. Use a mild soap and warm water to wash your toys, and be sure to dry them thoroughly before storing.
  • Choose the right material: Sex toys come in a variety of materials, including silicone, glass, metal, and plastic. Avoid toys made from materials that can harbour bacteria or cause irritation, such as porous materials or jelly-like toys.
  • Use lubricant: Using a water-based lubricant can help reduce friction and make sex toy use more comfortable.
  • Consider using a condom on shared toys: If you plan to share your toys with a partner, a condom  can reduce the risk of STIs transmission.
  • Aba Anton

    Aba graduated with a Master’s degree in Pharmacy from the University of Manchester. His entrepreneurial background helped his vision for advancements in the outdated healthcare space. His focus is centered around bridging the gap between patient needs and accessibility.

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